Organisation of Engineering Systems and Human Resources Management Video Lectures

Organisation of Eng Systems and Human Resources Mgmt.
'Organisation of Engineering Systems and Human Resources Management' Video Lectures by Prof. Vinayshil Gautam from IIT Delhi
"Organisation of Eng Systems and Human Resources Mgmt." - Video Lectures
1. Introduction to the subject and the course
2. Understanding organizations: nature and functions
3. Understanding organizations: nature and functions contd
4. Concerns of organising engineering business and systems
5. Concerns of organising engineering business and systems contd
6. Concerns of organising engineering business and systems contd..
7. Structure and process issues in running organisations
8. Structure and process issues in running organisations contd.
9. Design issues in running organisations
10. Design issues in running organisations contd.
11. Operating organizations
12. Operating organizations Contd.
13. Operating organizations Contd..
14. Cybernetics and systems framework
15. Cybernetics and systems framework Contd
16. Socio-technical systems
17. Socio-technical systems Contd.
18. Socio-technical systems Contd..
19. Dealing with efficiency and excellence
20. Dealing with efficiency and excellence Contd.
21. Dealing with efficiency and excellence Contd..
22. Man-machine relationship
23. Man-machine relationship Contd.
24. Longitudinal Thinking
25. Longitudinal Thinking Contd.
26. Concerns of recruitment, selection, skill formation and redeployment
27. Concerns of recruitment, selection, skill formation and redeployment Contd.
28. Concerns of recruitment, selection, skill formation and redeployment Contd..
29. Developing teams and leadership
30. Developing teams and leadership Contd.
31. Understanding motivation
32. Understanding motivation Contd.
33. Elements of human resources planning
34. Elements of human resources planning Contd.
35. Elements of human resources planning Contd..
36. Indian Industrial Law and managing industrial
37. Indian Industrial Law and managing industrial Contd.
38. Indian Industrial Law and managing industrial Contd..
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