Instability and Patterning of Thin Polymer Films Video Lectures

Instability and Patterning of Thin Polymer Films
'Instability and Patterning of Thin Polymer Films' Video Lectures by Dr. R. Mukherjee from IIT Kharagpur
"Instability and Patterning of Thin Polymer Films" - Video Lectures
1. Introduction
2. Introduction (Contd.)
3. Some Fundamental Surface Related Concepts - I
4. Surface Tension (in terms of molecular interactions)
5. Effect Surface Tension : Laplace Pressure
6. Young Laplace Equation
7. Rayleish Instability
8. Meso Scale Fabrication Approaches
9. Photo Lithography - I
10. Photo Lithography - II
11. Photo Lithography - III
12. Photo Lithography - IV
13. Photo Lithography - V
14. Nano Imprint Lithography
15. Nano Imprint Lithography (Contd.)
16. Soft Lithography - I
17. Soft Lithography - II
18. Soft Lithography - III
19. Soft Lithography - IV
20. Soft Lithography - V
21. Soft Lithography - VI
22. Atomic Force Microscope - I
23. Atomic Force Microscope - II
24. Atomic Force Microscope - III
25. Atomic Force Microscope - IV
26. Atomic Force Microscope - V
27. Intermolecular Forces between Particles and Surfaces - I
28. Intermolecular Forces between Particles and Surfaces - II
29. Intermolecular Forces between Particles and Surfaces - III
30. Intermolecular Forces between Particles and Surfaces - IV
31. Spontaneous instability and dwetting of thin polymer film - I
32. Spontaneous instability and dwetting of thin polymer film - II
33. Spontaneous instability and dwetting of thin polymer film - III
34. Spontaneous instability and dwetting of thin polymer film - IV
35. Spontaneous instability and dwetting of thin polymer film - V
36. Spontaneous instability and dwetting of thin polymer film - VI
37. Spontaneous instability and dwetting of thin polymer film - VII
38. Template Guided Dewetting
39. Elastic Contact Instability and Lithography
40. Gradient Surfaces
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