NOC:Elements of Visual Representation Video Lectures

NOC:Elements of Visual Representation
'NOC:Elements of Visual Representation' Video Lectures by Dr. Shatarupa Thakurta Roy from IIT Kanpur
"NOC:Elements of Visual Representation" - Video Lectures
1. Lecture 01 - Visual Literacy
2. Lecture 02 - What is Art? Visual styles
3. Lecture 03 - Principle of Visual Communication
4. Lecture 04 - Elements of Visual Representation
5. Lecture 05 - Need of Visual Harmony, Aerial Perspective in Visual Representation
6. Lecture 06 - Visual Mediums Method and Material
7. Lecture-07 - Visual Arrangement: Figure ground relationship
8. Lecture-08 - Illusion of Space Overlapping and Vertical Location
9. Lecture 09 - Perspective, Foreshortening and Amplification
10. Lecture 10 - Multiple point Perspective, Cubist form
11. Lecture 11 - Oriental Perspective, Aerial Perspective, Isometric Projection
12. Lecture 12 - Unconventional Space, Visual Riddle
13. Lecture 13 - Static Form
14. Lecture 14 - Impression of Movement
15. Lecture 15 - Movement by Repetition
16. Lecture 16 - Use of Multiple Image to Depict Motion
17. Lecture 17 - Principle of Op Art: Optical Movement
18. Lecture 18 - Asymmetry in Visual Narration
19. Lecture 19 - Scale and Space in Composition
20. Lecture 20 - Choosing the Right Scale
21. Lecture 21 - Natural Proportion
22. Lecture 22 - Ideal Proportion
23. Lecture 23 - Arbitrary and Mandatory Proportion
24. Lecture 24 - Form of Visual Paradox
25. Lecture 25 - Line as Line and Line as Shape
26. Lecture 26 - Character Specific Use of Line in Visual Representation
27. Lecture 27 - Implied, Psychic, Contour Line and Gesture Line
28. Lecture 28 - Line as Building Block
29. Lecture 29 - Line for Rendering: Value and Volume
30. Lecture 30 - Quality of Line in Visual Expression
31. Lecture 31 - Example of Unified Composition: Conceptual Harmony vs. Visual Harmony
32. Lecture 32 - Visual Continuity: Proximity, Repetition
33. Lecture 33 - Gestalt law of Universal Whole
34. Lecture 34 - Unity in Variation. Visual Climax and Harmony: Focal Point and Accents
35. Lecture 35 - Degree of Emphasis to Maintain Harmony: Visual Balance
36. Lecture 36 - Rhythm and Motion in Visual Representation Alternating and Progressing Arrangement
37. Lecture 37 - Visual Balance in Symmetry, Radial and Crystallographic Balance
38. Lecture 38 - Balance in Asymmetry
39. Lecture 39 - Visual Balance in Colour Combination, Conflicting Colours
40. Lecture 40 - Balance through Achromatic Value Distribution
41. Lecture 41 - Local, optical and Arbitrary colour
42. Lecture 42 - Colour in Digital Media Pigment and Light, Resolution
43. Lecture 43 - Rectilinear and Curvilinear Form
44. Lecture 44 - Volume and Surface Texture
45. Lecture 45 - Visual and Tactile Texture
46. Lecture 46 - Form, Texture and Pattern
47. Lecture 47 - Visual Analysis
48. Lecture 48 - Steps of Problem Solving
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